Support us

Donate     -----   Volunteer ---------- Become a Member -----------Sponsor us---------------Join a nature tour with us


There are many ways you can join with us to help protect the environment. 

Support us

Donations are always welcome, and all funds raised go directly towards the protection of the environment in the Northern Coromandel.
To donate now, go here

Protect your patch

If you want to make a difference on your own property, whether it is trapping pests or planting a few natives, we can help you get started. Contact us here


Donate now to help us protect endangered birds on the Coromandel Peninsula. 

Donate Online here:


Donate by Cheque or Direct debit here:

Our BNZ Kiwi Recovery bank account number is 02 – 0304 – 0342229 – 02. If paying by direct debit, don’t forget to insert the word “DONATION” and your Name as a reference.

Cheques adressed to Moehau Environment Group may be posted to our Membership Coordinator, 1409 Port Charles Road, RD4, Coromandel 3584.

After making your donation, please email to let us know. All donations are  tax deductible with receipts provided on request.

Thank you for your support.



 We are always looking for volunteers to help with pest control, planting, monitoring and restoration projects. Moehau Environment Group is a volunteer conservation organisation based in the beautiful, remote Northern Coromandel. We rely on volunteers to help achieve our goals.

Field tasks our volunteers are involved in include:

•    Pest control (trapping and bait lines)
•    Building and maintaining tracks
•    Monitoring bird populations
•    Building and distributing trap boxes
•    Eradicating noxious weeds
•    Planting trees and other native plants

We also need volunteers with a range of skills across many different fields.

Other tasks include:

  • Fundraising & sponsorship
  • Funding applications
  • Accounting
  • Publicity & marketing
  • Updating our website & newsletter

    A corporate group get a ride on the gator


  • Project Management
  • Summer holiday guides
  • Group coordination
  • Administration
  • Committee members

Different skills, time commitment and levels of fitness are required so there is definitely something to suit everyone.

If you interested in volunteering, please email


Become a member

Our members are kept up-to-date with our quarterly newsletter, and given opportunities to get involved in our projects.  By becoming a member of Moehau Environment Group you are 

Thank you for considering joining Moehau Environment Group. We need your support.

By becoming a member of Moehau Environment Group you are directly helping to protect the unique species and ecosystems on the Northern Coromandel Peninsula.  Our members also receive our  newsletters and priority bookings on our Summer Programme of events. We can also help landowners interested in weed and animal pest control and planting schemes that enhance wildlife diversity.  Individual membership is $15.00, Family membership is $25.00 and corporate membership is $250.00.

Membership Options


We are on a mission to raise funds for our Pateke Hot Spot, Waikawau Wetland, MEGa Pest Attack and our Kiwi Sanctuary to keep our endangered birds safe from pests.  Help us save kiwi, pateke, weweia, matuku, matata by sponsoring a trap.

Corporate Sponsorship & Partnership

Cooperate for change, campaign for impact, safeguard our endangered species and partner for protection.

Can you sponsor one of our projects? Sponsor an endangered bird or sponsor a trap?  We have different corporate sponsorship opportunities to fit your business goals. Business and philanthropic partnership changes the course of conservation and makes a real difference when it comes to making change.  

Corporate sponsorship and philanthropic partnership has in the past changed the course of our conservation history and will continue to do so moving forward into the future. 

Sponsorship can make a difference to our conservation projects where every dollar counts towards getting one more trap on the ground, buying bait and lure or in replacing ginger bash whacking tools.  We have achieved huge milestones over the last twenty years and the groundwork has been done with the enormous help from amazing volunteers and the generous financial support from our previous and current sponsors.  Without their support we would never have managed to get the infrastructure in place and these important projects up and running.  However, our threatened species are not out of danger yet and we need help in sustaining this important mahi.  We are looking to work with businesses and organisations that love our environment and feel compelled to try and protect it. 

We offer a variety of unique experiences to our corporate sponsors that can help engage and motivate employees and help build teams.  Getting your staff on the ground and experiencing some of what we do can help increase their sense of purpose within their job and will offer them an unforgettable priceless memory. In the past we have shown our gratitude and appreciation to our sponsors by inviting the team to participate and experience our work.  We would delight in sharing our work with you and your team and can be flexible in what we can offer.  By partnering with us, it offers the chance to generate new business leads. Your business will receive promotion and be provided with the opportunity to share your products or services with people who care about the environment and who often choose carefully when supporting brands.  They would sooner support an enterprise that doesn’t just do great work but is also going a few steps further for our species whose habitats are shrinking. Get in touch with us and we can discuss objectives and how together we can make the best contribution to help save our environment.   We have different sponsorship tiers such as Kiwi Egg, Kiwi Chick, Kiwi Teen and Kiwi Adult but we prefer to work closely with our sponsors to work out what works best for everyone.  Please get in touch with us directly for more information.


Individual Sponsorship - Sponsor a Trap & Sponsor a Trap Line.

Want to directly help save endangered birds on the Coromandel?  Sponsor a stoat or ferret trap and help keep our precious birdlife safe.

Stoats are the biggest threat to kiwi chicks in the wild because they are such ferocious predators and will live anywhere they can find prey.  You can sponsor a stoat trap for only $65 per year, per trap.

Ferrets are not as widespread as stoats and traditionally haven’t been an issue for our area, however they have been found in our trapping network recently and we need your help to tackle these pests before they become more of a threat.  You can sponsor the larger Ferret traps for $100 per year, per trap.

If you would like to sponsor a trap you can do so online with a credit card using our secure PayPal account.

Join us on a Nature Tour

We offer a small range of bespoke nature tours where funds donated are very supportive to the work we are doing. 

Waikawau Wetland Wildlife experience

Join us for an informative guided walk through the Waikawau Wetland area where you will experience  the estuarine intertidal wetland area and its wildlife. You will learn about why wetlands are so important to the health of the ecosystem and the environmental impacts that the loss of wetland environments can cause. See first-hand some of the work MEG volunteers and trappers are doing to help protect the native wildlife in the area, and why your contributions are so vital to help us keep up this important work.  You might even be lucky enough to see an elusive Mātātā (Fernbird), a majestic Matuku (Bittern),moho pererū  (banded rail), pūweto (spotless crake), pāteke  (NZ brown teal), tūturiwhatu (NZ dotterel),tōrea pango variable oystercatcher or some of the smaller creatures that are thriving in the wetland environment.   Time required: 2-3 hours. Any time of day.

A night of Kiwi Listening - May to June/ Best chances of hearing kiwi is in the winter 

Grab that beanie, rug up warm, lay out your camping chair and power up your headtorch for a chance to join MEG during their annual Kiwi listening surveys. “Kiwi begin to call when they emerge from their burrows or shelters soon after sunset and continue to call until sunrise with the calls primarily serving to maintain their territory.

Join a kiwi listening post in the northern coromandel with MEG members and kiwi experts, learn the protocol, and take part in the process that is used to monitor and record the numbers of our most iconic native bird in the area. You will learn how to identify a kiwi call, what the calls mean and hear the difference between the male and female calls.

Time required: 3-4 hours (2 hours listening + travel). From 7pm.

Trap Line Trek - All year round

Become a trapper in training by joining a MEG member on their trap line run. Put yourself in our trappers shoes and learn the ins and outs of what predators we target and why, what beautiful native birds we are trying to protect, what common household ingredients are perfect for enticing rats and stoats into a trap, and get a hands on experience of clearing some of the traps in one of the most beautiful locations in the northern coromandel rohe!

Time required: 2-3 hours. Any time of day.


Matuku Monitoring - October and November months only

The matuku is a wetland bird that due to its devastatingly low population number, is so incredibly rare that most people in Aotearoa have never heard it, never will hear it and they don’t even know the bird exists.  These mysterious and elusive birds are also known as the Australasian Bittern and make a distinctive and extraordinary sound.  The best time to hear them is from around fifteen minutes before sunset to about forty five minutes after sunset.  This listening experience is dependent on matuku being present and this will need to be established before this adventure.

Wetlands are important ecosystems to the birds, fish, plants and invertebrates that are adapted to wet conditions and rely on wetland environments for survival.  Wetlands can improve water quality and play a role in reducing the impact of floods in coastal areas such as Waikawau by ‘absorbing’ large water volumes. But according to the NZ Wetland Trust less than 10% of New Zealand’s wetlands remain. 


International volunteers

Before covid hit, volunteers were traveling from all around the world to help us protect endangered species in New Zealand. MEG has hosted over 50 international volunteers, and the volunteers were contributing over 5300 hours to conservation annually.  We would welcome the opportunity again to host people from around the world help us in protecting our backyard. 

Volunteer Sally empties a monster rat from a trap



“Learning about the endemic species of New Zealand, and seeing them with my own eyes, has been more fantastic than words can describe.

It’s such a great feeling, to go out in the bush and with my own hands do work that will aid the survival of these plants and animals.

Whether it’s plodding through the marshes to monitor fauna, climbing the hills to bait rat traps and weed invasive plants, or collecting seeds of native plants, there is always a tangible connection between MEG’s work and the species they aim to protect.”

-Emma, Volunteer from Sweden

 What can I expect?


Below is a guide to what you might expect if you come to volunteer for us. This has been written in order to better prepare you as a volunteer, not only for the work that you will be involved in but the environment you will be living in as well.

Moehau Environment Group Volunteer guide

Does it cost to volunteer?

There is a small fee for volunteers being hosted by Moehau Environment Group. All meals and accommodation are provided at a cost of $350 (including GST)* per week (fees can vary according to length of stay). There is an additional one-off fee of $200 to cover transport from Coromandel town. It is expected that you will pay your entire program fee prior to arrival.

Moehau Environment Group is a volunteer organisation, and this fee helps cover expenses while you are on the program. Every effort has been made to keep costs low.

If you would like to see more pictures from previous volunteers visit our facebook page

If you have any further questions, please contact us.