Our Projects

Of the 150 species of native birds in New Zealand, four out of five bird species are in trouble, some being close to extinction.  MEG volunteers and the field team are out in the field each month rebaiting and clearing a myriad of rat, stoat, cat and possum traps to do everything we can to protect our fragile native bird populations.  

A group of children from the Coromandel Area School explore  Waikawau Bay Wetland

Waikawau Bay Wetlands

  Waikawau Bay wetland is a rare gem - an accessible intact wetland and estuarine system teeming with wildlife at the end of a stretch of white sandy beach.   Moehau Environment Group are working to protect threatened birds and invertebrates.

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Toutouwai - North Island Robin

MEGa Pest Attack

Forest and wildlife regeneration in a 450 hectare open-sided sanctuary of intensive rat trapping and multi-species pest control near Tangiaro/Port Charles in the Northern Coromandel, creating a significant open sanctuary.

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Community Projects

The Coromandel Kiwi Project is protecting 1300ha of habitat above Coromandel town.

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Diane Prince and her dog Neo getting ready for work in the field

Kiwi Sanctuary

Protecting our Coromandel brown kiwi with a mustelid trapping network spread over 15000 ha.

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Community Engagement


Summer Holiday Program

Our annual Summer Holiday Programme has been run since 2004, specifically directed at families and visitors to the area.  Every January, MEG has the pleasure of organising a fabulous Summer Holiday Programme full of fun and unforgettable activities exploring nature for both children and adults. 

We start the Summer Holiday Programme each year on Keltic Fair Day (2nd of January) and have printed booklets of the programme available at shops around Coromandel Town and Colville Village. Copies of the programme can also be found online and on our Facebook page.



MEG Winter Lecture Series

Every winter MEG brings speakers to Kapanga/Coromandel Town to enlighten and educate us on a variety of conservation topics.  Join us at the Pepper Tree Restaurant on one Sunday evening each month.    


MEG working with local landowners

It is MEG's aim to create as many healthy pockets and corridors of natural safe habitat for our bird and animal species in Coromandel as possible and we love supporting landowners and individuals who are also passionate conservationists!

 We are able to help with advice on planning predator control and applying for funding opportunities. 

If you need a track cut, MEG can lend its field team (at a cost) to get your trap line up and running.  

Email us at info@meg.org.nz to talk about your project. 


Tree Planting & Pest Plant Weeding

In 2007, Moehau Environment Group partnered with The Colville School to create a Children's Forest in Waikawau Bay.  The area that was once farmland has now been transformed and has become a beautiful space full of trees which every year volunteers and tamariki return back to, to either weed around the trees or plant more! 

We regularly organise 'Ginger Bash' weeding events where a group of volunteers will come together to help out a land owner to control a patch of invasive ginger.  Our trappers are also on the lookout for climbing asparagus, which is becoming more established in the region.

These events are always a lot of fun where everyone enjoys getting together and meeting new friends.  Get in touch with us if you would like to participate as a volunteer or if you would like some help with a planting or weed control project!

Learn more.