Moehau Environment Group is dedicated to restoring, connecting and protecting the biodiversity and habitats of Coromandel North.

We are a group of committed locals and visitors who want to see the area once again alive with the sounds and sights of indigenous fauna. 

Moehau Environment Group is a not-for-profit community group that has existed for over 20 years, working to ensure the native biodiversity of our region is flourishing, celebrated and cared for by all. We implement large-scale conservation projects, like stoat and rat trapping, possum control, and run educational programmes to interact with children and adults in Coromandel North.  We partner closely with mana whenua, landowners, other community conservation groups, the Department of ConservationWaikato Regional Council, and local schools to achieve coordinated pest control in the Northern Coromandel.

When a small group of locals first met with the idea of “doing a bit of volunteer work to look after the environment” they never guessed that their idea would grow into Moehau Environment Group as it is today.

After initial meetings, MEG was incorporated as a charitable society in 2000. From the outset, our goals were to enhance biodiversity by engaging the community and doing practical work to achieve a standard of habitat restoration that would allow the re-introduction and recovery of endangered species.

Our first project focused on possum control in the prime coastal forest north of Waikawau. Since then, our horizons have expanded into mustelid and rat control,  and we now work over 15,000 hectares, primarily on private land.

This has allowed for the recovery of many endangered species in the Northern Coromandel, including dramatic improvements for kiwi and habitat protection for wetland and forest birds.  The hard work of our volunteers and members has allowed for the successful reintroduction of the North Island Robin and pāteke/brown teal, with both species now successfully breeding in the area.  We would love kōkako to be next.  For more information, read our newsletters.

Our objectives:

a)    To work in partnership with mana whenua for the protection of the natural environment of the Northern Coromandel Peninsula, and in particular, the well-being of the lands, the waters, and the plant, animal and human populations of the area.

b)   To engage in projects for natural habitat enhancement, plant and animal pest control so that the birds of the ngāhere and moana are flourishing in Coromandel North’s native habitats

c)    To support careful planning for the well-being of the lands, the waters, and the plant, animal and human populations of this area.

d)    To educate, empower and enable our community to protect and enhance their natural environment for its own sake and for the health, well-being and happiness of all who reside in it.



Our vision:
Te Tara o te Ika a Māui/Coromandel Peninsula’s native biodiversity is flourishing, celebrated and cared for by all
