Coromandel Kiwi Project

Moehau Environment Group is helping to save Coromandel Brown kiwi.

The Coromandel Kiwi Project is located in the hills around Coromandel Town and is a predator trapping initiative set up to protect kiwi by helping create a safer habitat for them to move through while they traverse the peninsula.  This project has developed over many years with MEG partnering with the Coromandel Area School, Driving Creek Sanctuary, the Coromandel Forest & Bird office and private landowners.  Together as a community, this trapping project, entirely run by volunteers, is helping to create a safer habitat for kiwi with the hope that one day, the shrill high note of kiwi calling in the night will once be heard again for Coromandel Town residents.

  The Coromandel Kiwi Project protects 1300ha of habitat above Coromandel town.  MEG volunteers service 326 traps (number growing) each month, our efforts dramatically increase the chances of Coromandel residents hearing kiwi calls from their backyard.

Join our Backyard Trapping Project! We have not won the fight against stoats, rats and possums yet with many of these critters being seen regularly by residents.  Buy a trap and join the Backyard trapping programme.  Good for your property and our native species!