Sponsor a trap to help protect kiwi chicks

We are on a mission to raise funds for our Kiwi Sanctuary. By sponsoring a trap, you will help us win the fight against mustelids and keep our kiwi chicks safe.

Our Kiwi Sanctuary has been in operation for 8 years and protects nearly 8000ha of kiwi habitat. Due to a shortfall in funding we urgently need to source more funds to ensure trapping can continue. If you would like to help protect kiwi, please sponsor a trap for only $65/year.

We employ six part-time trappers to service 700 traps monthly in our Kiwi Sanctuary. Since we started these traps have caught over 900 stoats, 590 weasels & 6760 rats making a huge difference to resident Kiwi. In fact, kiwi have more than doubled in the area in the last 10 years. The biggest threat to young kiwi is stoats and by servicing these traps we are giving kiwi the best chance to survive in the wild and re-populate the area.

What do I get for my sponsorship?

  • The money will directly benefit Coromandel kiwi
  • A map showing trap location
  • Yearly updates of what your trap has caught

To sponsor a trap click here. Your support makes all the difference!

We would like to thank Kiwis for Kiwi for their ongoing support of this project.